Deep Respect for Writers Says Siddhant Chaturvedi

Deep Respect for Writers Says Siddhant Chaturvedi

Deep Respect for Writers Says Siddhant Chaturvedi

Renowned actor and poet Siddhant Chaturvedi recently underscored the fundamental importance of writers in the storytelling process, sharing his deep respect and admiration for their craft. Speaking at the Exhibit Magazine Tech-Fashion Tour Season 7 in Mumbai, Chaturvedi articulated his thoughts on the pivotal role that good writing plays in connecting with audiences and creating impactful narratives.

"I think writing is the most important and crucial element in storytelling," Chaturvedi stated. "I write myself, so I know its value. I have a page of my own, City Charge, where I write poetry. I respect writers a lot because until the writing is correct, you will not be able to execute it effectively, and the masses will not be able to connect. For writers, establishing a strong foothold in the industry is essential so that they can write more rooted stories, which help the common man connect and relate a lot more. This is important."

Chaturvedi's own engagement with writing through his poetry page, City Charge, offers him a personal insight into the challenges and rewards of crafting compelling narratives. His remarks highlight the necessity of strong writing as the backbone of any successful film or literary work.

The actor went on to express his admiration for several esteemed writers, acknowledging their significant contributions to the industry. "I think my favorite writer is Farhan Akhtar. He is an amazing writer who wrote 'Yudhra,' including the dialogue and screenplay. Sridhar Raghavan is also incredible; his action scenes are always high-octane. Salim-Javed are legends, and Zoya Akhtar is another remarkable writer."

The actor is currently gearing up for his upcoming action thriller, "Yudhra," which is set to release at the end of the year. Directed by Ravi Udyawar, the film also stars Malavika Mohanan and is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar's Excel Entertainment.

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