I believe in natural and simple beauty - Niharica Raizada

I believe in natural and simple beauty - Niharica Raizada

I believe in natural and simple beauty - Niharica Raizada

Niharica Raizada who is currently busy with her upcoming film 'Total Dhamaal' was spotted shooting for a new beauty product to be launched pan India based on Korean technology. This product contains natural ingredients and is chemical free. The actress said, the product she endorses has to be natural, organic and animal cruelty-free.

Niharica, Indo-French Actress says she believes in natural beauty and only endorses products that believe in enhancing that. "Whenever an actor is endorsing something he/she will always make sure it is a good product. As for me, it is important that I understand the making of the product, as well as verify it's components. Being a science student I am interested in the ingredients used in beauty products. I would only like to endorse products that contain organic components and are free of animal cruelty. I am a strong believer in organic and nature derived fruits and foods being used for healthy consumption and application.

I believe in natural and simple beauty, so I don't like to endorse anything that is artificial and uses a lot of chemicals. I will endorse products that are organic, natural and simple." she added.

Niharica whoes natural body curves gives us a vibe similar to the Italian actress Monica Bellucci said the beauty routine that gives her flawless skin is very simple, "Since my philosophy of beauty is organic and natural, I follow it by staying make-up free as much as possible. Even when I apply makeup it has to be minimal.

My skin wasn't as good earlier but I started taking care of it by drinking as much water as I can, drinking green tea, and by eating a lot of papayas.

This regular routine has cleared all my skin flaws and has given me a fresh glow. This is the reason I am shooting for a beauty product today!"

When asked to share some beauty tips Niharica suggests to stay natural and away from junk food. "My tip for everyone will be don't use any artificial enhancements for your skin like Botox or implants. It strips away your natural beauty. As and when you age you will change but embrace it, don't try and modify it. Drink lot of water and eat healthy food that is good for your body and skin. Stay away from junk food and excessive makeup. It will clog your pores and dull your skin."

Niharica was last seen in films like, 'Masaan', 'Baby', 'Alone' and 'Waarrior Savitri' one of Om Puri's last few films, and will mark her commercial debut in the Bollywood with Indra Kumar's 'Total Dhamaal.'

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